Harriet looks at the world through an honest yet playful lens. When creating she asks herself the question 'Why are we?’

Rooted in compassion, relationships and humour, Harriet creates a visual world for everyday people, exposing all of our everyday secrets and experiences. Her work is expressive and bold, playful, and rich with personality, combining simple forms with hand-drawn textures for a distinct and contemporary feel. Harriet thrives while problem solving.

It’s Nice That named Harriet in their Next Generation continued 2021 and has received a Yellow Pencil from D&AD for her creative campaign work and received multiple awards including recognition for her moving image work and use of illustration in design from the Institute of Designers in Ireland. Since then she has worked with clients such as The New York Times, Penguin Random House and a multitude of european newspapers and small businesses.

“She challenges the mundane every day with compelling perspectives that are equally tactile as they are emotional. Yakub’s strength lies in her ability to question the very ideals that make us human and provide an introspective response that imparts humour on the overlooked moments of existence.”

︎It’s Nice That 

“Harriet is not a liar. She's not going to coat our daily lives in a layer of sweet varnish to hide its tastelessness. But that doesn't mean she's sinking into darkness. Quite the contrary, in fact. The Irishwoman's colourful drawings, full of visible strokes that testify to their undeniable humanity, reflect the spice of life, its intriguing details, its habitual absurdities, its endearing contradictions. Harriet Yakub's portrayal of these existential hiccups, often with a great deal of humour, describes what makes today's individual. She holds up a mirror in front of them, whose reflection plunges us into our own raw reality. A true discourse.”


Kiblind Illustration Festival 2024, It’s Nice That, Kiblind, Vogue Italia, i-D +

The New York Times, Penguin Random House, Grazia, De Berliner Zeitung, Capital Magazin, De Volkskrant, Slop Magazine, The Irish Independant +

NCAD Visual Communication, BA Illustration
D&AD New Blood Academy, bootcamp

︎ in Utrecht